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Product Listings

Overview of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. – Delving into the distinctive features of major platforms, this section outlines the purposes and audience dynamics of each, helping businesses tailor their strategies to specific platforms.

Google Shopping

Write your products’ names, descriptions, and pictures to interest people and increase sales.

Google Ads

Use strategic bidding and spending management to reach the right people, improve campaigns, and get the best return on investment (ROI).

Merchant Promotions

Use flash sales to stand out and get more sales with limited-time deals.

Data Feeds

Ensure your link to Google’s marketplace works smoothly by streamlining your product catalogue.

Want to discover more about Popular Social Media PlatformsCreating a Social Media Strategy Content Creation and Curation:


Product Listings


Google Shopping


Google Ads


Merchant Promotions


Data Feeds

In Digital Advisory we provide

Popular Social Media Platforms:

Overview of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. – Delving into the distinctive features of major platforms, this section outlines the purposes and audience dynamics of each, helping businesses tailor their strategies to specific platforms.

Creating a Social Media Strategy:

Setting Objectives and Goals – Focused on goal-setting, this part guides businesses in establishing clear objectives for their social media efforts, ensuring alignment with broader marketing goals and target audience expectations.

Content Creation and Curation:

Yes! Getting your existing data in is easy. Simply export your existing customers to a .csv file and import them within a couple of clicks.

Updated Daily


Google Merchant

Data Feeds

They are the most important part of your e-commerce business and must be regularly updated…
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Google Merchant

Merchant Promotions

Limited-time deals make people feel like they need to act quickly, which will increase conversion…
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Google Merchant

Google Ads

Your efforts are guided by data-driven insights that make sure every ad dollar gets results…
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Google Merchant

Google Shopping

No problems showing products, an easy buying experience, and seeing basket sizes grow
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Google Merchant

Product Listings

Your brand's voice is enhanced, reaching the right people, and each product page is a…
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